Saturday, January 23, 2010

Our brave plungers who raised over $10,000!

Coral Popowitz (Camp Director) & Colby Whitmore

Katie Petschke

Sue Peterson

Mike Davies

Pat Baxter & Colby Whitmore (again)

Rex Johnson, Steve Popowitz, Nick Tunheim, Steve Popowitz (again), Colby Whitmore (again), Kathy Jacobs, Kevin Combest, Mike Davies, Rex Johnson (again), Roxanne Storms & Brian Alnes (Lake Beauty Bible Camp ED)

Colby Whitmore (again) & Steve Popowitz (again)

Jason Bexell with Chickenmoose prints all of our camp shirts. He planned on
attending our first annual Polar Plunge, however, with the weather he
didn't make the trip. Raising over $1400, Jason was determined to make
good on his word!!


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